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多伦多房产局简写对照表-Toronto Real Estate Abbreviations

来源:犀牛网  作者:Rhino

Q                                 cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

R        cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

REA - Real Estate Agent or RealtorcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Rec - Recreation (as in Rec Room or Rec Rm)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Res - Residence, also residential (as in zoned Res)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

R/I - Rough-In (as in R/I fireplace or dishwasher)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Rm - Room cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

R/O - reverse osmosis (water purification system)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Rrea - Registered Real Estate Agent, also REA (Real Esate Agent)  cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

RSA - Room Sizes Approximate                   cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

S                                  cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sds - Sides (as in Sides on the park)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sec - SecuritycSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sep - Seperate (as in Sep Living Room and Dining Room or Sep LR/DR)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sgwo - Sliding Glass Door WalkoutcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sl - Sliding (as in Sl glass patio doors)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sol - SolariumcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Spec - SpecialcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

SPIS - Seller Property Information StatementcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sq - Square (as in 100 sq feet)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sqft - Square FeetcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

S/S - Stainless Steel (appliances)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Stv - StovecSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Sys - System ( as in Security Sys or Sec Sys)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

T   cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Tba - To Be Announced or Arranged (as the possession date is Tba - meaning negotiable)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

TTC - Toronto Transit Commission (bus and subway system in Toronto)   cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

TLC - Tender Loving Care meaning needs some repairs.                 cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

U    cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

UFFI - Urea Formaldihide Foam InsulationcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Upgr - Upgraded (as in carpet upgr or upgr cabinets)                            cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

V                                    cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

W                                  cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

With (as in comes w all appliances)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Win - Window (as in Win covering or Win Cov)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

W/I - Walk-In (as in W/I closet)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

W/L  - Where Laid ( as in carpet W/L) also W/LaidcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

W/O - Walk-Out (as in Basement Apartment W/O or W/O to deck)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

W/W - Wall-to-Wall (as in W/W carpet or window or closet)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻



Yr - Year , also Yrly - YearlycSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Z     cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

OTHER                           cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

2 - To (as in a short walk 2 the park)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

4+2 - The number after the + means in the basement. Example:  Bedrooms: 4+2 means 4 BR on main or upper floors and 2 in basement.cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

10 - rated high as in 10 out of 10cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

- At (as in keys @ office or lights @rear)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

$/mo - price or dollars per monthcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻
