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多伦多房产局简写对照表-Toronto Real Estate Abbreviations

来源:犀牛网  作者:Rhino

H                                  cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Hi-Eff - High-Efficiency (furnace) or HEcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

HST - Harmonized Sales Tax - combined GST + PST, effective in Ontario July 1, 2010cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Hwt(r) - Hot Water Tank (rental) cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

I                                  cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

I/G - Inground (as in I/G swimming pool)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Incl - IncludedcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Insp - Inspection (as in Insp report or home Insp)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Int - Interior or Interest (rate)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Irr - Irregular, also Irreg  (as in Irr lot size)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻


Jr - Junior (as in Jr Bedroom or Jr BR) cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻


Kit - KitchencSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

L            cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

L/A - Listing Agent  also L.A.    cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

LB - Lockbox also Lbx, also Listing Brokerage          cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

LBO - Listing Broker Office (as in keys or documents at Lbo)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Loc - LocationcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Low-Eff - Low-Efficiency (furnace)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

LR - Living Room also L/R cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Lux - Luxury ( as in Lux condo)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Lvl - LevelcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

LVR - Loan-to-Value RatiocSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

M   cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Mbr - Master BedroomcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Micro - MicrowavecSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Mn - Main (as in Mn Floor or MnFl or MnFlr or M/F)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Mnths - Months, also Mos or MthcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Msrmts - MeasurementscSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻


Nr - Near cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

O                                  cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Occup - Occupied or Occupancy (as in the apartment Occup or Occup Permit for new home construction)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

O/Looks - Overlooks (as in dining room O/looks Living Room or DR O/Looks LR)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

ONHWP - Ontario New Home Warranty ProgramcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

P                                  cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Part - Partly (as in Part finished basement)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

PC - Piece , also pc (as in 3PC bathroom, 3pc BR)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

PITI  - principal, interest, taxes, and insurance with regard to a mortgage or loan.cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

PST - Provincial Sales TaxcSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Pvt - Private (as in Pvt yard)cSv卖房1%佣金|买房帮你年轻

Pwdr - Powder (as in Powdr Room, Pwdr Rm) 
